How to Floss Properly

We hear every time from our dental hygienists or dentists regarding the importance of flossing. Yet, most of us either do not pay attention or we just avoid this cleaning practice because it’s comfortable. Well, the dentist is always there to tell you how important it is. But you should also ask about the proper way to floss. Once you are familiar with the proper way to floss, you will find it pretty much easier to continue with this wonderful habit on daily basis.

Why it is important to floss?

You may be more than happier with your toothbrush and toothpaste. A toothbrush doesn’t only clean the inner, outer and chewing surfaces but it can also help in cleaning your tongue. In general, brushing can help you clean your mouth. You may be wondering what else you need. Well, there are a few areas where even your amazing toothbrush’s bristles can’t reach. Yes, it’s the area between the teeth. Flossing can help you get rid of the food particles and bacteria stuck in those ‘unreachable’ areas.

One thing worth mentioning here is that if you are not cleaning that hard-to-reach area between the teeth, the food particles and bacteria can start doing the damage. As a result, tooth decay and cavities can start developing. To know how bad the situation of those hidden areas is, you can use a mouthwash after brushing your teeth. You will notice the dying of plaque with the color of mouthwash.

How to floss effectively and conveniently?

There are a few things you can keep into your consideration in order to floss in the best way possible.

  • Break off 18 inches of flossing thread. Wrap the most of this thread on one of the middle fingers. Wrap a little bit from the other side on the middle finger on other hand.
  • Hold the floss firmly using your thumbs.
  • Insert floss in the teeth but make sure that you are doing it gently. Going harsh in this process can result in your gums receiving the damage.
  • While moving the floss, make sure that floss is reaching the area between the teeth and is also entering into the gum line. Use up-down motion while rubbing the floss with the side of tooth.
  • Make sure that you are repeating this process with all of your teeth. Flossing can also help you to get rid of the food particles and bacteria attached with the molars.

Adapt this habit

Starting with flossing might be a little difficult but this is the habit you should stick with. There is no way you will not see the results if you are doing it properly. To make sure that you don’t forget to floss every day, you can work to make it a family habit.

Good news is that there other easier methods to floss. If you are not comfortable with traditional flossing, you can use water flossing which mainly utilizes the stream of water being shot at the teeth. Water flossing removes plaque with the help of pressure in the stream of water.

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